Kammy Kennelley-Downs has been teaching art with pre-school thru high school age students for 28+ years at a variety of education establishments including Montessori, public, charter, private, home-school groups, and workshops in California, Kansas & Missouri. Downs received her Bachelor of Science in Art Education from Emporia State University. In addition, she has continued to complete art and education classes which included a certificate of Digital Arts and Design from University of California Riverside Extension. Downs has participated in several murals and written several public art grants, two of which included work with internationally known Kansas artists, Stan Herd and Shin-hee Chin. Currently, Downs is a graduate student at Ft. Hays State University earning a Master of Fine Arts in Drawing.
Downs grew up in rural Kansas. After graduating from Emporia State University, she moved to San Bernardino, CA where she met, Gary Downs, her husband of 30+ years. They have five daughters and five grand-children. Currently, Downs resides in Kansas City and teaches art at Kansas City Kansas Community College, North Star Academy, and Heroes Home Gate for homeless veterans. Her artworks may be seen on Kammy Downs facebook page and kammydowns on Instagram.